Mini Monster!

I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to make Baby Girl one of these ~

I finally bought the fleece, along with an awl, so I could punch holes in the fabric.  I had never used one before and I was actually more interested in a rotary cutter/blade but JoAnn's doesn't carry the skip stitch blades needed for making evenly spaced holes along the fabric's edge.  I was surprised actually because they normally have anything and everything I'm looking for.

That being said, I settled for the awl (AND used a 50% off coupon so I got it for $3.50!), bought a half yard of fleece and went to work on this cute little monster blankie for Baby Girl.

Did I mention the fleece has Hello Kitty on it?!  I love Hello Kitty so I was really happy to discover it was on sale for 50% off.

I love the idea of this little blankie for little kids.  It's like a "woobie" (think back to Mr. Mom and his little boy's security blanket ~ the woobie!) and it's portable and pretty much hassle-free.  Plus it's too cute :-)

I offset the head just a bit but other than that I tried to follow the pattern as it was posted on the original blog that I got it from.

The best part was when I handed it to Baby Girl and her eyes lit up.  A huge smile spread across her face, she hugged her "woobie" to her chest and rubbed her face against the soft fleece.  It really melted my heart to see that.  She then decided to jibber jabber and talk to her new friend :-)

Until next time....

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