Monday Mood Board!

Today I'm sharing things that make me feel comfy and cozy.  This almost certainly means you'll be seeing lots of kitchen-y type stuff.

The kitchen is my favorite place in the world.  Having worked as a chef for many years, it's where I feel most comfortable.  Seeing table settings, gadgets, food, linen ~ it makes my heart jump and skip a beat!

So, sit back and enjoy my collection of piccies that reflect what makes me feel at home....


I would grow Basil & Parsley!
If someone made a hybrid Basil plant and turned it into a TREE, i would have them all over my house!!!!

I love the idea of this kind of organization all tucked away but waiting to be used.

This next picture makes me feel all warm and cozy.  You can't see it now because my cute little border blocked it from view, but to the left, the back door was ajar just a hair.  I love this....Maybe the kids ran out to play, or maybe a neighbor called and is on her way over for some coffee and I left the door open in anticipation....
The couch and table beckons me to curl up with my latest work of crochet and some hot tea while Baby Girl sits on the floor playing quietly (It's MY fantasy! Don't knock it! Lol)
I love the darker wood and the island.....

Any time I can display fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc. I do.  I especially love the feeling I get when I see food like this ~ Displayed as major eye-catching pieces.

I LOVE Chalkboards!!!! Give me a chalkboard and I'll list a menu, I don't care where it's at!

I found all these inspiring items in the new IKEA catalog.  It's a dangerous place to say the least!  I hope you got a feel for what my Mood Board portrayed.  It made me feel all warm inside :-)

Until next time....

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