Weekend Family Time! Woo Hoo!

I just love it when the weekend comes.  I get to spend it with the Hubby and it makes all the missing him from during the week fade into the background.

We usually go to the grocery store to get things for the upcoming week and nose around.  I also make a trip to JoAnn's, especially if I've got coupons!

I'm signed up on their mailing list which means I get the latest offerings, but I also use their mobile "Wallet" on my tablet.  The Wallet usually consists of the same coupons that get mailed out, but sometimes there are different and BETTER ones.  This is useful too because sometimes the snail mail coupons don't get here in time so I am able to just take my tablet or Smart Phone with me.  They scan the coupons at the register just like regular coupons.  Yay!

Here is the link to the mobile Wallet

I also want to share another recipe with you!  It's for Vanilla Bread Pudding and it's DELICIOUS!

I found the recipes on AllRecipes (UK site) which is awesome so check it out for other great recipes as well.

I'll stash this recipe under recipes too if you want to come back to it at a later time.  That way you won't have to sift through post after post to find it.  What's that you say?  I'm so thoughtful? Ahhhh, well, you know, I do it for your happiness :-)

(This is converted to US measurements)

Serves: 9
  • 1 white loaf, torn into small pieces
  • 1L hot semi-skimmed milk
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 14 oz caster sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 5 oz raisins
  • 2 oz butter
1. Preheat oven to 355 degrees

2. In a large mixing bowl, pour hot milk over bread. Blend eggs, sugar and vanilla in separate bowl.  Stir egg mixture into the bread mixture and blend well.  Add raisins.  Mix well.

3. Melt the butter and pour into a 23x33cm (9x13 in) baking dish. Pour bread mixture over butter.

Bake for 40 minutes, or until firm and golden brown. Serve warm with custard.

(I had to bake mine for 55 minutes but that doesn't mean you need to.  I adjusted for my own oven.)

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