Oh Happy Hooky Days

Guess who went to breakfast with her Hubby, followed by a trip to JoAnn's?!  Yup, ME!  Whut whut?!?!  It was BLISSFUL :-)  I bought some of my "regular" Vanna's Choice yarn and a few other bits. 

I've really been wanting to attempt this too cute pattern I found on Ravelry quite some time ago but haven't had the tool or material.  So today, with my 50% off coupons, I bought an awl and some fleece.

I've also been working on a placemat for our dining room table.  It's almost finished but I'm really excited to show you in the next day or two how it turns out.  Here's a sneak peek:

Do you know what it is?!  Do you have any ideas?!  I should have it finished by tomorrow and then I'll only have 3 more, lol!
There's an awesome little hole in the wall diner called Woody's near our house which is only open on certain days for a limited time.  It fills up quickly with the locals and I've never seen it empty.  Now, being a former chef (and one who has cooked for celebrities and politicians, etc.) I am VERY picky about the food I eat.  I wouldn't call myself a food snob, but I know a lot about food and whether or not it's crap.  So when Hubby and I decided to head over there this morning, my mouth started to immediately water.  I usually stuff myself and my stomach hates me for it, but I can't help myself.  I lose all control.

You can see just how NOT fancy this place is.  But I can honestly say that looks can be very deceiving, especially in this case!
Here's Hubby waiting patiently....
Right before people started pouring in....
Quite simple really, not charming, but the food and service is soooooo gooooood!
This hangs on the wall over the kitchen area
I wanted to take a piccie just as the food came but we couldn't wait to eat and honestly, I forgot till about mid-way through and I grabbed the camera!
I never said the food was healthy, just DELICIOUS!
Hubby likes his eggs sunny side up.  In England they don't say that, he informs me after I help him order....They simply say fried eggs, regardless of doneness.
All in all, it was an enjoyable morning and I came home full and happy!

Until next time....

Juls xoxo

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