Today is a "Whut Whut" Day!

What's a "Whut whut" Day you ask?  It's a day to reveal my latest work!  And then I say, "Whut whut"?! Oh yeah! Let's look!
First let me say that I am really pleased with how this project turned out.  It was up in the air for a moment, but I think it all worked out well.

I gave you a sneak peek the other day of something I was working on, and well, I finished it!  I decided to make some placemats for our kitchen table :-)  I only made ONE, but you will get the idea.  Now to just finish the other three.....
I used Lucy from Attic 24's flower pattern and thought it would go really well with the feeling I was going for.  Do you love it?!?!  I do!  I got the little lady bugs from JoAnn's and ironed them on :-)
A couple of shots "in use".....
I will be sure to share the other three placemats once I've finished them (Lord knows how long that will take!)
On a more personal note....Poor poor Baby Girl lost her balance (while sitting!) and fell face first onto one of her buckets/toys and got a shiner!  She was really brave, and being a tough little thing, she played on!
She was a real trooper, even nerding out for us, as usual!
Until next time....

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