It's been a few days since I've posted anything and I feel guilty! Not sure why, as I have family stuff that needs tending to on a daily basis, so it's understandable, but I feel so neglectful.  BUT ~ I did make some cute things here and there over the last few days and I want to share them with you!

I ran across the cutest project the other day and decided right then and there that I was going to try it out.  It's from the website "Busted Button" and it's adorable.

I wanted to make something cute for Baby Girl's room ~ Did I mention that we are finally getting our own place?! Yup!  In the next couple of months we are moving and I want to make some cute things for the new place, including Baby Girl's room.  Anyway, I saw this cute little button on canvas project and ran to JoAnn's to get my supplies.....

I just LOVE this!  I'm not 100% happy with the way the strings turned out and I may still try something else....maybe some yarn...but over all, I think it will look cute in her new room.

I also decided to try my hand at painting a tree with buttons....What do you think????

I am by NO means, an artist/painter, so I'm pretty happy with this one as well.

Both of these canvas projects are on a 10x10 canvas that I bought from JoAnn's.  They're pretty cheap and it's fun making your own art pieces, IMHO :-)

Hope you like!

Until next time....

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